Team Events
construction site 2024
We visited part of the large construction site “Stuttgart21”.
We started in the InfoTurmStuttgart and then we went to the platform hall in “full gear”. At the construction site there were not only digger and cement, but also interesting information and discussions. After three hours, we had a lot on our mind and an empty stomach.
Together we let the evening end as easy as it had begun and we had dinner at “Peter Pane” with Hamburger & Co.

Bowling 2023

Relay 2022
On Wednesday, 29.06.2022, the traditional "Hohenheimer Staffellauf" (relay) took place again after Covid-19 pandemic. We decided to participate. Our team got the name:
NLR - No Limit Runners
Active runners in chronological order: Hannes, Thomas, Sarah, Clarissa und Lucy.
Thank you for your dedication and for the motivation of the groupie: Yvonne, Petra and the Kufer family.
We had a lot of fun and even got a fabulous result - we came in 22nd and our time was 0:20:47 !

Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 / Abschied Kornelia

Excursion 2019

Excursion 2018

Our excursion 2015

Some impressions....